


  1. 翻译者的身份:是你自己还是有其他人参与;

  2. 翻译的目的:纯分享,无盈利;

  3. 会标注原作者并附上原作品链接;

  4. 询问原作者是否同意你将翻译发布至其他网站,还是只允许发布在AO3;

  5. 询问作者是否同意授权翻译;

  6. 表达尊重与谢意。


Hello, thank you for this beautiful work! I wonder if you can give me permission to translate this work into Chinese so I can share it with more Chinese fans. I will not profit from it and I will post the translation with proper credit and a link back to this original work. If you have any rules for translation, like you only want it posted on AO3, please tell me. It's all up to you and I will respect you choice. Thank you again for your wonderful work!
